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Form Guide

In Nukkit-MOT, forms are divided into four types: Modal, Simple, Custom, and Dialog.


The Dialog type was added in PR#71 (version 1.20.30) and requires entity binding to function.

FormWindowModal are used for simple confirmation or cancellation actions.

package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal;

public class DemoModalForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowModal form = new FormWindowModal("Title", "Description", "true", "false");
// Set actions for confirm and cancel
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
if (form.getResponse().getClickedButtonId() == 0) {
// User clicked the true button
} else {
// User clicked the false button
// Show the form to the player

Simple Form

FormWindowSimple provide a richer selection of buttons.

Usage Example

package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple;

public class DemoSimpleForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowSimple form = new FormWindowSimple("Title", "Description");
// Add buttons
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 1"));
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 2"));
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 3"));
// Set button click handling
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
int buttonIndex = form.getResponse().getClickedButtonId(); // Get the clicked button index
String buttonText = form.getResponse().getClickedButton().getText(); // Get the clicked button text
switch (buttonIndex) {
case 0:
// Handle button 1 action
case 1:
// Handle button 2 action
case 2:
// Handle button 3 action
// Default handling
// Show the form to the player


Component NameDescriptionReference
ButtonA button for simple click actions, can include imagesElementButton

Custom Form

FormWindowCustom allow developers to customize the content and interaction of the form, including text input boxes, dropdowns, etc.

Usage Example

package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class DemoCustomForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowCustom form = new FormWindowCustom("Title");
// Add elements
form.addElement(new ElementInput("Text Input", "Default Value"));
form.addElement(new ElementDropdown("Dropdown", Arrays.asList("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3")));
// Set submission action
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
String inputText = form.getResponse().getInputResponse(0); // Get the text input value
int selectedIndex = form.getResponse().getDropdownResponse(1).getElementID(); // Get the dropdown selection index
String selectedText = form.getResponse().getDropdownResponse(1).getElementContent(); // Get the dropdown selection text
// Handle user-submitted data
// Show the form to the player


Component NameDescriptionReference
DropdownA dropdown, displays a list of options for user selectionElementDropdown
InputText input box, allows users to input stringsElementInput
LabelLabel, adds text labels to the formElementLabel
SliderHorizontal slider, allows sliding to obtain numeric values after setting min and max valuesElementSlider
StepSliderStep-based horizontal slider, parameter as a stringElementStepSlider
ToggleToggle switch, accepts boolean valuesElementToggle

Dialog Form

FormWindowDialog are a special type of form that requires binding to an entity to function. The entity cannot be a player.

ScrollingTextDialog are enhanced versions of dialogs that provide scrolling text features.

Usage Example

package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowDialog;

public class DemoDialogForm {
public static void open(Player player, Entity entity) {
FormWindowDialog form = new FormWindowDialog("Title", "Description", entity);
// Add options
form.addButton("Option 1");
form.addButton("Option 2");
// Set submission action
form.addHandler((player_, response) -> {
String buttonText = response.getClickedButton().getName(); // Get the clicked button text
// Handle user-submitted data
// Show the dialog to the player