Form Guide
In Nukkit-MOT, forms are divided into four types: Modal, Simple, Custom, and Dialog.
The Dialog type was added in PR#71 (version 1.20.30) and requires entity binding to function.
Modal Form
FormWindowModal are used for simple confirmation or cancellation actions.
Usage Example
package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal;
public class DemoModalForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowModal form = new FormWindowModal("Title", "Description", "true", "false");
// Set actions for confirm and cancel
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
if (form.getResponse().getClickedButtonId() == 0) {
// User clicked the true button
} else {
// User clicked the false button
// Show the form to the player
Simple Form
FormWindowSimple provide a richer selection of buttons.
Usage Example
package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple;
public class DemoSimpleForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowSimple form = new FormWindowSimple("Title", "Description");
// Add buttons
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 1"));
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 2"));
form.addButton(new ElementButton("Button 3"));
// Set button click handling
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
int buttonIndex = form.getResponse().getClickedButtonId(); // Get the clicked button index
String buttonText = form.getResponse().getClickedButton().getText(); // Get the clicked button text
switch (buttonIndex) {
case 0:
// Handle button 1 action
case 1:
// Handle button 2 action
case 2:
// Handle button 3 action
// Default handling
// Show the form to the player
Component Name | Description | Reference |
Button | A button for simple click actions, can include images | ElementButton |
Custom Form
FormWindowCustom allow developers to customize the content and interaction of the form, including text input boxes, dropdowns, etc.
Usage Example
package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown;
import cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput;
import cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class DemoCustomForm {
public static void open(Player player) {
FormWindowCustom form = new FormWindowCustom("Title");
// Add elements
form.addElement(new ElementInput("Text Input", "Default Value"));
form.addElement(new ElementDropdown("Dropdown", Arrays.asList("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3")));
// Set submission action
form.addHandler(FormResponseHandler.withoutPlayer(ignored -> {
if (form.wasClosed()) return;
String inputText = form.getResponse().getInputResponse(0); // Get the text input value
int selectedIndex = form.getResponse().getDropdownResponse(1).getElementID(); // Get the dropdown selection index
String selectedText = form.getResponse().getDropdownResponse(1).getElementContent(); // Get the dropdown selection text
// Handle user-submitted data
// Show the form to the player
Component Name | Description | Reference |
Dropdown | A dropdown, displays a list of options for user selection | ElementDropdown |
Input | Text input box, allows users to input strings | ElementInput |
Label | Label, adds text labels to the form | ElementLabel |
Slider | Horizontal slider, allows sliding to obtain numeric values after setting min and max values | ElementSlider |
StepSlider | Step-based horizontal slider, parameter as a string | ElementStepSlider |
Toggle | Toggle switch, accepts boolean values | ElementToggle |
Dialog Form
FormWindowDialog are a special type of form that requires binding to an entity to function. The entity cannot be a player.
ScrollingTextDialog are enhanced versions of dialogs that provide scrolling text features.
Usage Example
- normal
- scrolling text
package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowDialog;
public class DemoDialogForm {
public static void open(Player player, Entity entity) {
FormWindowDialog form = new FormWindowDialog("Title", "Description", entity);
// Add options
form.addButton("Option 1");
form.addButton("Option 2");
// Set submission action
form.addHandler((player_, response) -> {
String buttonText = response.getClickedButton().getName(); // Get the clicked button text
// Handle user-submitted data
// Show the dialog to the player
package cn.nukkitmot.exampleplugin.form;
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowDialog;
import cn.nukkit.form.window.ScrollingTextDialog;
public class DemoScrollingTextDialog {
public static void open(Player player, Entity entity) {
FormWindowDialog dialog = new FormWindowDialog("Title", "Description", entity);
// Add options
dialog.addButton("Option 1");
dialog.addButton("Option 2");
// Set submission action
dialog.addHandler((player_, response) -> {
String buttonText = response.getClickedButton().getName(); // Get the clicked button text
// Handle user-submitted data
ScrollingTextDialog form = new ScrollingTextDialog(player, dialog, 1);
// Show the dialog to the player